Believing in Tomorrow

One of our ongoing community projects is gardening. Our mentor, the late Gary Young, once told us that if we didn’t grow it, we wouldn’t have it. That simple saying has embedded itself within our hearts. We knew that we would one day create our own homestead so that way we could not only feed ourselves, but our community at large.

To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow.
- Audrey Hepburn

Homesteading is an entire love language by itself. We have been homesteading since 2017 and we see it as an extremely important life lesson and skill for not only ourselves as adults, but for our children as well. The whole parable about teaching a man to fish as opposed to simply feeding him takes on another meaning once you become self-sufficient and can teach others how to do it as well.

We are eager to provide a space for a community garden to teach those who would like to learn while simultaneously welcoming experienced gardeners who feel called to contribute to help us grow organic food for our community.

Interested in learning but not quite sure where to start? We highly, HIGHLY recommend watching the documentary Back to Eden. Back to Eden is growing with His plan, not against it.


Three Reasons to Call Essential Life Ministry “Home”