What We Do

At Essential Life Ministry, we seek to serve, encourage, and cultivate a community that truly believes that where two or more gather in His name, His presence is given and answers await.


About Us

Now more than ever, we are witnessing dry bones come to life while watching proverbial seas part as eyes light up in truth.  We believe with every ounce of our beings that every hair on our heads are accounted for and in turn, we choose to believe that each life matters.  We seek to empower and transform each individual to live their healthiest lives yet. 

While most churches gather for religious, charitable and educational purposes, we are purposed to empower others to find our Creator on the epic quest that is life in ways that we were originally meant to find Him. We are sovereign beings with a Holy Spirit that lovingly guides us while authorizing us to maintain wellness in His name. 

We are so excited to hold space for you. Our goal is to foster curiosity about natural wellness provisions divinely provided onto us.  We welcome feedback and questions; we want to inspire you to live the life that you, specifically you, were created to live.  We are in the world but not of it.  We hope you feel excited to join our community, to give back to our surrounding community, and to live life naturally sustaining sovereignty in community and faith.


“We feel strong that our purpose is to transform the health and wellness arena to include all facets of life, naturally.”

— Rob + Alina Rinato


Our Values: We are constantly challenging ourselves to grow and evolve to use each gift that our Creator gave us with discernment, wisdom, integrity, stewardship, and community at the heart of it.

  • To dedicate our lives to living life through the exemplary teachings of our Creator. 

  • To increase health and wellness for the mind, body, and soul.

  • To increase knowledge and understanding of natural modalities for physical, emotional, and mental health.

  • To provide a safe space to learn and grow together in community.

  • To provide opportunities to give back to our community.